Wednesday, 31 July 2019

3 Nutritional Mistakes Nearly All Busy Moms Make | Kelly Rennie

Helpful Hints For Happy Healthy Weight Loss

Sometimes it can take just one simple idea to cast light on a problem which has been difficult to solve for a long time. With all the fads, ideas and diets around, there is certainly a need for some clear guidance. One size does not fit all, but some rules can be applied by most of us, to help succeed in the search for healthy weight loss. When considering your plans for making to changes, to ensure healthy weight loss, first think hard about your 'why'. What is the motivation which will keep you going? We just know that it will get tough, so why will we make sure to not lose heart? The great Donna Krech - my favourite weight loss and motivation guru - describes the 'baby in the burning building' scenario. It is easy to see why, if your child were trapped in a burning building, you would not need to search for motivation to get in to the rescue. What is your 'burning building' with regard to weight loss? Being able to wear more flattering clothes? Keeping up with your children - or grand children? Avoiding feeling ashamed? Getting into the wedding dress/swim suit/tight jeans? Or simply increasing the odds on being able to live a longer, fitter and healthier life (my own personal 'burning building'). Once you find your 'why', write it down. This is more important than most people imagine. Psychologists tell us that when we write it down, changes take place in the brain. These changes mean a much increased chance of success. Along with your why, write down two other items: firstly, your initial weight loss goal. Do make this totally realistic and not a pie-in-the-sky fantasy. The goal needs to be both an amount of weight to lose and a date. For example - I will lose 6 pounds by the end of next month. Secondly, add a short detail of the first change you are going to make - and stick to - as part of your new healthy weight loss plan. A good start might be to eat an apple and drink a glass of water, half an hour before the main meal. You will probably not have to search too hard to find many other great ideas to include in your plans. The important thing is to make them yours and be totally positive, not grudging, in making them part of your habitual behaviour. Your diet and exercise plan itself is important - it must suit you as an individual, but the thinking behind it is at least as important. Find whatever you need, to keep you on track and make healthy weight loss a part of your life. Your mind is the thoughts you think and your body is the food you eat! Article Source:

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

My Busy-Mom-Of-Four Diet Secrets

Maintain a Healthy Weight to Enjoy Your Retirement Life

Once you cross the threshold of fifty, there is a tendency to become overweight. When you enter your retirement period, the inclination is to take life easy and your activity level comes down significantly. At the same time, you have more time in your hand to enjoy good food, especially when you are visiting exotic locations for sightseeing. Since your body needs fewer calories due to reduced activity, this automatically leads to putting on more weight. Being overweight has the potential to cause bone issues, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and even heart disease. At the same time, you can also find several senior citizens being underweight. This may be due to illness, disease or malnutrition. Many of them may not be having proper arrangement for eating adequate amount of food since they live alone and have nobody to look after them. Being underweight also can also lead to several health issues and they are prone to falls and fractures. When you enter your second innings of life, maintaining healthy weight is crucial. Trying to shed the extra weight by eating less may lead to nutrient deficiency. The solution to this would be to eat food which is nutrient dense. Such food items include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat or fat-free milk products, seafood, poultry, eggs, seeds and nuts. It is also important to avoid calorie rich food, which lack nutrients. These types of food include sugar drinks, refined grains, butter, fats and desserts rich in sugar. Healthy weight varies for each individual. An indication of this would be your BMI score, which based on your body weight and height. A healthy BMI for an adult would be between 18.5 and 24.9. However this may vary for you depending on your body condition and age since BMI may not indicate the body fat of those who have lost muscle. Your doctor would be a better judge of your required BMI. Another indication of healthy body condition would be the circumference at your waist. Increased heath risks are indicated if the waist circumference is more than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women. Having a healthy body weight is essential to enjoy life after 50. Nevertheless, it is important to consult your doctor before venturing into any diet control or exercise program to reduce or increase weight, especially when you are entering the golden age of retirement. Article Source:

Monday, 29 July 2019

Weight Loss Yoga for Flat Stomach & Abs – 20 Minute Beginners Yoga Workout

Healthy Weight Loss Diets - Simple Suggestions

Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it - and many would be better off staying where they are. Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian, who can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. Are you looking for healthy weight loss diets that work? If you have been overweight for a long time you have probably tried your share of the many, many diets out there and failed to lose the weight or if you did lose some weight, failed to keep it off. In fact, your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. Since 3,500 calories equals about one pound of fat, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'll lose approximately one pound a week. What some people do not get is the fact that if you are going to lose weight and keep it off it will take dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to change the way you think about food and the way you live your life. Most people who go on a diet are looking for instant gratification but in reality healthy weight loss diets will show you that if you are going to lose the weight and keep it off the process will be slow and steady not fast and furious. Permanent weight loss is not something that a "quick-fix" diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanent lifestyle change-a commitment to your health for life. So what do you think you need to be successful? You need a meal plan that is balanced, tastes good, controls hunger, does away with cravings and increases your energy level. Lots of people eat when they're bored, lonely, or stressed, or keep eating long after they're full out of habit. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you're full. Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored - try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). You can accomplish this by sticking to a diet low in fat and eating at least five small meals a day. Eating five small meals a day will help keep your metabolism stoked and help you burn more fat. Do not try to eliminate all fat from your diet, some fats are OK and your body needs fat in small amounts. Stay away from bad fats like saturated fats and trans fats. Good fats include the polyunsaturated fats found in olive oil and omega 3 you get from eating fish. Make sure to read the labels on your food and eat only the serving size amount. Portion control is the key to losing weight. If you give your body more calories than it needs you will gain weight. If you give your body the exact amount of calories it needs in a day you will maintain the weight you are right now. If you give your body less calories than it needs you will lose weight, it's just that simple. And if you combine a little exercise with your new meal plan, you will be at your ideal weight before you know it. Get a good mix of cardio and strength training to improve heart and lung function and tone muscles to make them work more efficiently and aid in your weight loss effort. Toned muscle helps burn more fat even when you are asleep. Even if you do all this and start eating healthier you still may not get all the nutrients you need on a daily basis. You may need to find a good supplement to take each day. If you do not know anything about supplements you can talk to you doctor, pharmacist, or local natural food store owner and get their recommendation. When you get all the nutrients you need each day you may find your cravings for certain foods will decrease. People who have successfully lost weight and kept it off often rely on support from others to help them stay on course and get over any "bumps." Sometimes having a friend or partner who is also losing weight or maintaining a weight loss can help you stay motivated. Follow these simple suggestions on healthy weight loss diets and exercise and you will lose the extra weight. Article Source:

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Morning Yoga For Weight Loss - 20 Minute Workout Fat Burning Yoga Meltdo...

Healthy Weight Loss Foods - What Are They?

Sometimes we sacrifice our health and nutrition just because we want to achieve that slim body or we want to shed off those extra fats. But are there really foods that help you lose weight the healthy way? Let us find out what are those healthy weight loss foods that will help us lose weight at the same time keeping us healthy. Fruits Fruits are the best foods that you need to have in your diet if you want to lose weight. Fresh fruits are healthy weight loss foods but you can also have some dried fruits or fruit juices. There are also fruits that are considered 'fat-burning' ones because they are those that use up calories more than what they contain. These are grapefruits, citrus, oranges and lemons as well as apples. Fruits are also rich in dietary fiber which is helpful in losing weight as it is digested slowly in the stomach, giving you the feeling of fullness. To get the best dietary fiber from fruits, it is recommended to have fresh fruits on your diets than fruit juices. Aside from being great foods to burn those extra calories, fruits are also excellent sources of Vitamin C, antioxidants, phytochemicals as well as other vitamins. They are also good substitutes for your desserts like cakes and ice creams if you want to get rid of those calories lurking on your desserts. Vegetables Vegetables are also healthy weight loss foods that are indispensable in your diet to lose weight. They are excellent sources of dietary fiber that helps in your weight loss goals by helping you feel full, thus preventing you to overeat and reduces your cravings on food in between meals. Fiber also helps move the food in your body fast which also reduces absorption of fat from your food. Aside from being a great food for losing weight, vegetables are also great sources of vitamins and minerals that help you achieve a balanced and healthy diet. It also helps you prevent constipation and hemorrhoids and can reduce your risk of some types of cancers. Increasing vegetables in your diet would surely help in your goals and keep in mind too to have a variety of vegetables to get a balanced diet. Leafy vegetables, dark green vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, red pepper, kale, lettuce, and beats are among those that are rich in vitamins and help you in maintaining an ideal weight. Oats Oats is high in soluble fiber and probably have the highest soluble fiber among other grains. As mentioned earlier, fiber helps make your stomach feel full longer, thus it is beneficial in losing weight by helping you avoid overeating. The rolled varieties of oats are said to be those that are high in fiber as they undergo minimal processing. Whole grains in particular are said to be healthy weight loss foods. They also give more energy to the body without giving you much calories. Fiber in whole grains also helps you maintain good metabolism. Fish Fish is also one of the excellent healthy weight loss foods, as some fishes such as salmon are actually among those 'fat-burning foods.' They contain less calories than what they use thus, they are also great for losing weight. Fish also contain the 'good fats' that reduce your risk of heart diseases. The excellent and healthy weight loss foods are actually a balance of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fish, lean meat and other foods essential for your nourishment, but keep in mind that you are having the right amount at the right time. Article Source:

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Fun Beginners Dance Workout For Weight Loss, At Home Cardio Pilates Danc...

Healthy Weight Loss - 5 Strange Points Why Diets Don't Work

Healthy Weight Loss cannot occur when these simple reasons exist. One, some of the foods you eat, while on diet, actually stop you from losing weight. Two, diets don't take into account body hormones, Three the varying state's of mind before during and after dieting. Each time you start a diet and the first pounds come off, you go into a high, you are delighted with yourself, you begin to feel really healthy so you continue for a while but as it becomes more difficult to lose weight you feel that you are not getting anywhere. So you break the diet, just for a day, or so which then turns into weeks. As you keep saying, I'll start tomorrow, the pounds keep piling on and suddenly you have to go back to wearing your old cloths because the new cloths you bought just do not fit anymore. Now you hate yourself and are embarrassed, feel alone, hate how uncomfortable you feel, you get frustrated and angry with yourself, you just can't think about anything else but your weight and feel guilty about not dieting. You hate looking in the mirror especially when walking in the street and you see your reflection in the shop windows, do you quickly look away? Wont go to parties or social events because you don't want other people to see you have put on weight, you'll just wait until you take it off again, do you say this to yourself? You constantly think about your weight how you hate being fat, hate how you look, feel guilty that you are doing nothing about it, eat today and feel determined to start a diet tomorrow, do you promise yourself this each day? Feel self-conscious in publicand are relieved that its winter and the cloths hide a lot of your fat, dread summer and know you won't wear a swimsuit, feel everyone is looking at how big you are, do you feel this each day? Breathing gets heavier, your knees seem to be hurting, your back is paining and you know it's because you have gained weight, you do not feel healthy yet cannot do anything about it, are you a bit nervous about this each day? The list can go on and on and you know deep down that there is a real secret to not putting on any weight but you just have not found it. You know that the main reason you do not lose weight and why all these quick fix diets just do not work, is because you cannot keep up the pressure of feeling deprived constantly. Your mind runs on overtime without you even being aware that you are sabotaging yourself. You are so wrapped up in yourself that it never occurs to you that there is a really simple solution to losing weight, two really. First you need to just be able to take one step towards getting a good solid base for yourself, one with a really good program that gives you constant feedback and encouragement, done the statistics and knows all the pitfalls along the way. Second it must be very easy, without the feeling of being deprived or being on diet and it must be healthy. Did you know that a lot of the diet fads out there do not take into account your health? Did you know that certain foods actually add fat to the body? You are a social being and do really well when you are loved, helped and have people you can rely on. As this is one of the most important traits that you have, you must make use of it when trying to lose weight and keep it off forever. Article Source:

Friday, 26 July 2019

Fat Burning Dance Workout | Beginners Cardio for Weight Loss, Hip Hop Fu...

Healthy Weight for Women - What Do You Need to Know About It?

Your healthy weight for women- precisely what is this? Multiple components tend to be involved in addressing this particular issue - and it is not really an uncomplicated issue. Feeling and looking healthful and attractive is actually something numerous women wish to have. You most likely do not have to weigh yourself to understand if you need to lose weight or not. After 40 things change - you tend to be a lot more likely to gain a pound or perhaps two, and it really is in fact typical to be a little bit heavier. That is a common process and entirely healthy except if you have gained more than merely a few pounds. Healthy Weight for Women- Some Factors to Consider An healthy weight for women depends on if you have a small frame, a big shape or are of typical size and height. Some women tend to be naturally big boned, and could in no way become a small, petite woman by dieting. Muscle mass in contrast to fat can make a difference as well, as muscle mass weighs much more than body fat does - but a person in fact looks slimmer if she has decent muscle tone, even in case you weigh more compared to a woman with fewer muscle tissue. In the event that you have gained an extra ten or 15 pounds and you are a woman after 40 you could possibly think about beginning to lose weight. After forty the fat burning capacity slows and, if you don't modify your diet and workout habits, you will certainly gain a pound or perhaps two for each year. This implies that over 10 years you will put on ten pounds at least. This is not really a weight problem nor should it be considered being overweight - it's simply a simple reality associated with life. In the event that you do wish to lose a couple of pounds, it's actually pretty simple to achieve. The healthy weight for women really should always be a weight you really feel comfortable with.You might have an average build, be 5' 6'' tall in height, and weigh one hundred fifty pounds. Each and every woman deals with her weight in different ways. Consequently, for some, the number "one hundred fifty pounds" may well indicate being heavy, however you might look slim and toned nevertheless. The Healthy Weight for Women- The Best Way to Achieve It There are a number of very easy elements to do when you want to begin to lose weight- especially after 40. Add physical exercise that builds a small amount of muscle. These can be yoga exercises, Pilates or even light weight-bearing training. You will not appear like a bodybuilder, however the small quantity of muscle you gain will certainly burn body fat and calories resulting from the increase in fat burning capacity. Eat foods that burn body fat and continue to keep you satisfied, in order that you will not be prone to munch on refined meals as well as those heavy in extra fat. You will discover many great options. The mixture of high fiber as well as lean healthy proteins is especially fulfilling whenever considering feeling full. Additionally, you will need to consume a lots of water. Tea, and green tea particularly, is fantastic too. You will need to ensure you have ample relaxation and sleep time. Pertaining to women over forty the sleep pattern usually changes. Many of my readers complain of never getting adequate sleep. There are numerous factors with regard to this, including changes within the endocrine system and a substantial pressure amount. Attempt to sleep at least 7 hours, if not eight for each night. Research have shown that rest deprivation raises the degree of food craving hormones, while decreasing those hormones in charge of making you sense full. Healthy Weight for Women- Lessons to be Mastered Your healthy weight for women is not necessarily about how much you weigh. It is much more about how you feel, how you appear and how lively you are. Your life just starts if you are woman over forty. You can be as lively, beautiful and attractive as you would like to. If you need to lose weight, follow the tips above. And remember - you are at your healthy weight when you are comfortable with yourself and how you look! Article Source:

Thursday, 25 July 2019


Healthy Weight Loss: The Detox Diet Way

Permanent Weight Loss Equals Healthy Weight Loss Permanent and healthy weight loss can not only improve ones self-esteem, but it can also be an integral part of increasing overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. However, many weight loss approaches train the victim (You!) to do all the wrong things, and eat all the wrong foods, leading to rebound weight gain. If you lose weight in a healthy way, then you weight loss will be permanent. Weight Watchers Damages Metabolism I have seen so many people going to a program like Weight Watchers completely ruin their metabolism by losing more muscle than fat. They get applauded every week when they improve their weight loss by losing muscle. In the long run, this person ends up gaining the weight back because of the metabolic slow-down due to the loss of muscle, which is discouraging to say the least. Diet and Detox Weight Loss No healthy detox weight loss plan is complete without a well-balanced diet of REAL FOOD! I recommend a colorful mediterranean diet that is modified to be low glycemic index. Establishing a healthy diet does not mean taking away all carbs; nor does it mean stocking your shelf with low-fat diet foods. Rather, you should intake a diet full of lean proteins, plenty of non-starchy vegetables, and limited amounts of beans, healthy fruits and nuts. Optional would some limited amounts of whole grains. Of course, no detox diet would be complete without plenty of pure water. Movement and Detox Weight Loss In addition to a nutritious diet and plenty of water, movement is also important for detox weight loss. Regardless of what type of movement you enjoy, the important thing is to get going! Try walking five times a week for about 30 minutes. Not only are you getting exercise and burning calories, but you are also moving lymph, and stimulating blood flow through your tissues - essential for proper detoxification. If you live in a northern climate where walking outside might be dangerous in the winter due to slippery conditions, most malls welcome exercising walkers. If walking is not your thing, consider becoming a member of the local gym. There are typically many cardio options such as bikes, elliptical machines, stair stepping machines, treadmills, etc. In addition, most gyms offer weight machines, free weights, balls, etc. Most gyms also offer classes such as spin classes, aerobics classes, and more. If you have to chose between cardio and resistance, the science shows that you will burn more fat with in the long run with resistance exercise, especially if you do large compound movements that work large muscles in groups, spiking your heart rate. This high-intensity approach will boost your metabolism for over 48 hours. So doing both resistance and aerobic exercise is best, but rest assured that a simple 150 minute a week walking program along with a scientifically-based detox diet weight loss plan will work If you just can't seem to go it alone, an investment in a personal trainer may be worth your while as you try to achieve some healthy fat burning. Though personal trainers may seem expensive, they can often prevent injuries by making sure you use the proper form. I know that an injury may be a far-off thought for you right now, but trust me, an injury can really set back your weight loss and belly fat reducing goals dramatically. Imagine not being able to exercise at all! Rather than exerting maximal effort, the better choice is to dial it back a bit to prevent injury. Train don't Strain is the watchword. I like my personal trainers to have a "touch of grey" if you know what I mean. This increases the likelihood that they have dealt with their own training injuries. Personal experience with injuries makes for a wiser personal trainer who can better at help you avoid injury that can stop your weight loss progress. Diet Pills Are Crap You know from reading my diet pills article than 99.99% of the diet pills out there are pure crap! The only diet pills that actually work without a rebound effect are ones that nourish the detoxification pathways of the body, so the liver gets decongested and fat is burned faster. You will see a lot of other benefits too, digestion improving, skin and eyes getting clearer, rashes and skin conditions spontaneously clearing up, and aches and pains going away. The best side effect of including detox nutrition in your fat-burning plan is this: When you are toxic, your body retains a lot of water. When you detox and diet at the same time, you lose that extra water weight quickly, without dehydrating yourself, accelerating your slimming and weight loss. In this case, the water loss is healthy, because it is not from using diuretic diets pills, but occurring naturally from having healthier, less-toxic cells. Fad Detox Diets Increase Toxicity and Impair Fat Burning Fasting on only fruit, the "Master Cleanse", the "Popcorn Diet" and other unhealthy fad detox diets really all fall down for two reasons: First, your body needs a wide range of nutrients to be able to detoxify and excrete toxins. When you are on a super restricted mono diet or fad like the Master Cleanse, you actually impair the detoxification process, impeding your fat burning! Second, toxins and their toxic metabolites circulate in the body and get redeposited in the tissues causing toxicity headaches and flu-like symptoms. Unknowning consumers of the fad detox diets frequently assume that their headaches, body-aches, and runny noses are a sign that their fad diet is working; but in fact this indicates that they are missing critical nutritional substrates for proper detox. I cannot emphasize enough how unhealthy these fad detox diets are. They both impair fat-burning and detoxification and increase toxicity. A Healthy Detox Diet Approach Though there are many weight loss methods out there, but for best results we recommend a healthy detoxification diet approach that includes movement, an eating system for life, and plenty of tissue cleansing nutritional support for speedy results. A detox diet for life means a non-fad detox diet that supplies you with the protein, fiber, and other nutrients to nourish healthy body structures and metabolic detoxification pathways so your body can detox every day, for the rest of your life. When your goal is detox weight loss, then apply these same principles with reduced caloric intake, and consider supplementing your healthy whole-food detox diet with a scientifically-based supplement that nourishes the metabolic detox pathways for enhanced results. Article Source:

Wednesday, 24 July 2019


Healthy Weight Loss - 9 Do's & Don'ts and Tips For Losing Weight

There are many ways of combating weight gain and even obesity but healthy weight loss is undoubtedly one of the safest possible options. What is healthy weight loss? That is when you do so in a manner that his good for your physical health. It is quite clear that being overweight can lead to many life-threatening health issues if left unchecked. Also though, gaining and then losing, then gaining and losing and gaining again are even more damaging to your health. This is often referred to as the roller coaster. Healthy choices concerning nutrition, environmental factors, nutritional supplements, physical exercise, relationships and self esteem are so important for your long term success. Effective healthy weight loss tips for combating being overweight or obesity: o Do not try to lose those extra pounds too fast like a lot of the promo advertisements suggest. It is seen all too often that weight lost fast comes back even faster. This is due to the metabolism being slowed. As you loss too fast for your health, your metabolism slows like a starvation syndrome. Then when you eat even normally or over eat, it still burns the calories like you will still not have enough, thus leading to fast weight gain. o Some people resort to starving themselves, binging and purging or even anorexia, which obviously is an unhealthy method of losing weight. For anyone to eat less than is needed for proper nutrition is harmful. Even the weight loss surgery is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary as the result is from moderate to extreme malnutrition which definitely affects your long term health. o It is necessary to adapt to long term lifestyle changes and not just maintaining a strict diet regime for a few months or days. Commitment and having reasons for you will make the difference. It is a rare person who gets healthy just because a spouse or parent want you too, even when nagging is an issue. You must have your own compelling reasons. So dig deep and find your inner power for the strength to take the time necessary to achieve health and wellness in all areas of your life, including weight issues. o Balanced dieting and workouts are known to be very effective for shedding down the unwanted pounds and gaining toning of muscles. Intake of junk food is strictly not on any natural plan. You should consume at least 3 fresh vegetables and 3 fresh fruit each day. Always serve with your meals adequate protein, which can come from many sources. It is a major building block for the body. We would highly recommend you to supplement your diet with nutritious foods. Study what is recommended in the food pyramid for healthy eating. Many things have changed as more research has been done long term. Literally the food pyramid is turned almost upside down. Google Search will give you a lot of information on this area. o Eat small portions of food more often. Six small meals work much better in the long run than three. That way you never let yourself get too hungry and take the chance of binge. By doing this, the body metabolism will function smoothly which will result in healthy weight loss. o Use small salad plates to serve your meals on and small bowls as well. When visually you see the full plate it makes the mind feel like you are eating more than you really are. Eat slowly and put your fork down between bites. Most people almost shovel food rather than eat. Try an experiment for a week or so, eat each meal very slowly, always put folk down and really taste the food and feel the texture. You will feel full much faster. o Some people need a very strict schedule for times to eat but more often, you will get the results you seek, if you eat when you get hungry, not starved and stuffing yourself. It is necessary to consume a controlled level of calories. Try to reduce the intake of fatty food and replace them with nutritional healthy food. o Drink lot of water as it weakens the enzymes produced within your belly. It is one of best natural hunger suppressants. It helps in improving your body parts like liver and kidney by eliminating the waste materials. It also burns the body fats hence converting them into useful energy. You could drink water even before eating so that you will not overstuff yourself. However, drink a big glass of water ½ hr before eating and never during meals. Also don't drink again for ½ hr after meal. That is a huge tip for success. o Consume food rich in fiber like high fiber breads, strawberries, apples, broccoli, and beans. These are used as hunger suppressants to reduce weight as they contain very few calories. Also east a variety of foods, try new things and new recipes. This takes boredom from setting in. o Physical activity is an essential element of healthy weight loss plan. You'll need to do the workouts everyday and burn the amount of calories which you in intake. It is quite sufficient if you exercise regularly for fifteen minutes every day. Try vigorous walking, jogging, jumping, and swimming three times a week as well. Get your physicians permission as you take up any physical plan. Since people carrying extra weight or are in obesity have higher chances of relapsing, findings reveal that it is hard to treat this medical condition. Individuals who have lost weight before are at higher risk of gaining it back and more within the next few years. Therefore, you will need to maintain your healthy weight loss program for life. Strong resolve and personal commitment to change your life for the last time is the key. Do not let others discourage you. You control your choices and you are the one to benefit for life with these healthy choices. Article Source:

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Cleanse, Detox & Fasting for Health, Weight Loss, Diet, Nutrition, How t...

Stay Committed to Your Healthy Weight Loss

Today I am reminded how important it is for you to be committed to your program. A healthy weight loss program focuses on eating healthy, exercising regularly and taking nutritional vitamin supplements. The commitment to stay focused on your plan leads not only to you losing weight but also greater health, longer life and greater happiness in all you do. Because you are healthy and energized through your program you will also accomplish more and have even greater mental focus. Commitment. Through your focused personal commitment you are success in achieving your goals. Whether your motivation is losing weight, being healthier or looking and feeling better your success is in line with your personal commitment. As a coach one of my main jobs is to remind you of your motivation and help you to stay focused and committed so you can achieve your goals. So today understand the importance of being committed to your healthy weight loss program and goals. Coached. Often the a coach will help you achieve your goals and they bring the advantages of having a proven system and the ability to access your progress while helping to motivate you to stay committed to your healthy weight loss program so you can meet your personal goals. Your personal coach will also be an accountability partner as they help you remain committed to your plan and goals. >>> Healthy: because this time of the year the seasons are changing and our immune systems are more vulnerable. This is the start to the cold and flu season. By eating healthy, exercising regularly and taking nutritional vitamin supplements to support your program and goals you are strengthening your immune system. Your plan will help you ward off disease and Illness. >>> Weight Loss: because illness and diseases are more easy contracted when we carry excess fat in our bodies. This is especially true for fat in our core or mid section. This gives us another reason to focus on eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and building muscle mass. Muscle mass helps you burn more fat daily (especially at rest) and it also helps reduce disease and sickness. >>> Program is your intentional plan to eat healthy, exercise daily and take nutritional vitamin supplements as part of your comprehensive healthy weight loss program. Being intentional, focused and committed as well as having a proven strategy are key to your success. Therefore you must be intentional, focused and committed to: eating healthy everyday, exercising regularly doing both cardio and resistance training; and taking nutritional vitamin supplements and you will achieve the goals you set for your healthy weight loss program. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing. Yes You Can Lose Weight. Article Source:

Monday, 22 July 2019


Healthy Weight Loss - Doing It Mother Nature's Way!

Many of the foods that we eat today are imitation or man-made food like substances. Most of the foods that we consume daily are either processed, junk, or fast foods. The essential nutrients that our bodies need are neither present or they are found in limited amounts as well as in altered form. Many chemical additives, hormones and enzymes are used as preservatives or replacements for the naturally occurring substances that our bodies prefer. The body's response to these non-nutritious foods results in weight gain along with chronic / life threatening diseases. These are not the types of foods that allow our bodies to naturally burn fat which results in healthy weight loss. Eat right to be Slim Long-term maintenance of a healthy body weight, must be underpinned by eating foods that encourage the body to burn fat as its primary fuel for energy production. When this occurs healthy weight loss naturally takes place just by eating fat burning foods. Healthy weight loss does not require the use of pills, potions, supplements, injections (Hcg), fad diets, extremely rigorous exercise programs, or surgery to achieve desired results. This approach to weight management will keep you in the mode of losing weight only to gain some or all of the lost weight right back. This is because only the symptoms and not the problems that stand in the way of natural healthy weight loss / maintenance are being addressed. Developing a health conscious attitude that leads to the incorporation of fat burning foods into your daily diet while avoiding foods that turn to fat is the safe and effective way of achieving / sustaining a healthy body weight long-term. This is what Mother Nature intended. Get Started Immediately You can start your natural healthy weight loss efforts immediately by eliminating sugar containing foods, junk food, fast food, and processed foods from your diet. You will be surprised by the quick weight loss that can result from just doing this alone. Further healthy weight loss can be encouraged by eliminating high glycemic index foods such as white rice, pasta, potatoes, and most breads from your diet. These foods have an instant effect on blood sugar levels which results in the release of large quantities of insulin which encourages fat storage while inhibiting fat burning. Elimination or reduction of these types of foods in your diet can possibly also save you from joining the growing numbers of people who have / are being diagnosed with type II diabetes! Healthy weight loss can and should be achieved naturally. The weight loss industry does not want you to know this given the billions of dollars that are spent on products that will most likely only provide short- term results. The one size fits all model just does not work, given each individual's unique body chemistry and unique nutritional and exercise requirements. The key to your healthy weight loss / maintenance success depends on adopting a new attitude related to the foods that you eat. Eating the foods that burn fat while avoiding those foods that turn to fat is how to finally get off of the weight loss / weight gain roller coaster! Being in sync step with Mother Nature's plan is the safe and effective way of achieving lasting results. Hi, my name is R. F. McCarthy. healthy weight loss [] is the key to losing and maintaining your desired body weight long term. A healthy body weight is key to your overall health, well-being, and happiness. A total knee replacement and a diagnosis of being a borderline diabetic caused me to make a more serious commitment related to long-term personal weight management. A life time of losing and then gaining back the weight that I lost has helped me to understand that the use of pills, potions, supplements, and fad diets does not provide for the long term maintenance of a healthy body weight. If you have been struggling with a weight issue and you are not happy with the results that you have thus far achieved click here [] to learn more about how to lose weight naturally and how to keep it off forever. Wishing you All the Best in Health and Happiness YOUR DREAMS ARE AS REAL AS YOU MAKE THEM........BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Article Source: Article Source:

Sunday, 21 July 2019


How to Be a Healthy Weight Watcher

Forget the stigma surrounding weight loss. A diet that works for one person, most of the time doesn't work for the next. There are as many diets on the market as there are people who want to lose weight and be healthy - Atkins, Jenny Craig, Maple Syrup, Detox, Baby Food Diet - you get the point. But the basis of any good diet is to be a healthy weight watcher. Sound simple? Well, it is. Just think fresh - fresh food, water and oxygen. There are so many contaminants in the ingredients that enter our bodies every day, not to mention a lack of time to exercise, stress and hormones that affect how our bodies look. Here are three tips to consider before you reach for the diet books and start the cringe-worthy health kick: 1. Watch your food fantasies Don't overindulge in your food fantasies. Read the recipe labels of the foods you're consuming and be mindful of the sugar and salt content in processed food. These are the ingredients that head straight for the hips and aren't good for your health. If you love chocolate, it's simple, switch to dark chocolate (it has the health-tick from nutritionists). 2. A healthy mind equals a healthy body Who loves pounding away on the treadmill for an hour at a time just to get healthy? Not us! But if you strategise your exercise routine to suit your body you can cut your gym-time in half. There are thousands of fitness exercises on the market but as with diets, not everybody suits the same circuits so find out first what works for your bod. 3. Cut the chemicals We're all up for increasing our energy sources by splashing out on vitamins to include in our diet. From a multi-vitamin to vitamin C and wheat-grass shots, it's a simple recipe based on the more boost you can get the better. But be careful of food chemicals! A lot of processed food recipes are packed full of powders, chemicals and added ingredients that aren't necessarily good for your body so check the label and try and stick with fresh foods instead. You'll be a lot healthier for it. If you're following the three steps to healthy weight watching then you're probably on the right track to kicking fad diets and living a health-approved life. While we said being a healthy weight watcher was easy, getting the bod you want rarely is. Practice, perseverance and a fridge full of fresh food is the way to go. Already visitors to the site are sharing their weight loss victories and crediting Ahlan! Live Health for helping them achieve their goals. To find out what everyone's talking about visit ahlanlive/health Article Source:

Saturday, 20 July 2019

20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Free Diet Meal Plans - Finding Foods For Weight Loss

Foods for weight loss are today's marketing frenzy. Everyone seems to want to lose weight and find a diet plan that will work for them. They turn to the net and type in something like "free diet meal plans" to get some ideas. They are then bombarded with many NOT-free diet plans, low calorie food advertising, and other types of marketing ploys such as diet e-books. It is no wonder that many just give up and return to their old habits of eating. DON'T hang-up. This is the beginning of your weight loss strategy and it is a smart move to make. But don't get hung up with analysis paralysis and a feeling of being overwhelmed on where to start. Just start, even without reading very much. Begin by making a plan that fits your lifestyle and personality: 1. For some, a good place to start may be the library with just one or two good books by respected authors. 2. For others, it may be replacing one bad food habit with one good habit like beginning to eat breakfast everyday that has some lean protein and fiber. Or a snack in the afternoon that will stave on unhealthy or fattening munchies. 3. And for others still, it may be becoming part of an online group offered by such places as Support by others can be a big push forward for many. All of these above points are ways to start losing weight for free. Diet meal plans do not have to cost you any money, they will just cost you some time, dedication, and education. Once you begin finding the information that will drive you forward you will have a better understanding on what the best foods for weight loss are too. For example, some foods may be considered a weight loss food, but may trigger you to overeat without realizing it. Many low-cal and low-fat foods marketed for weight loss will do just that: trigger you to eat more because you are either not full yet or because they "woke" up your sensitivity to sweets or snacking. The best advice I have if you are not looking to invest into an actual diet plan right now is to create your own meal plans that incorporate the most nutritionally dense weight loss foods you can. At the same time, take notice of what triggers you to eat and why and when these triggers happen. It is the best step forward you can take for weight loss. Article Source:

Friday, 19 July 2019

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY | Healthy & Easy Meals

Raw Food For Weight Loss And pH Balance

When you choose to enjoy a raw food nutrition plan, whether for weight loss or just over all better health, your pH should balance. Excessive secretion of acids in the gastric glands is what causes the discomfort projected when the diet consists of more foods containing acid than of foods containing alkaline. When this condition occurs there is too much acid in your blood to allow adequate oxygen. The ability or inability to free hydrogen ions determines the difference between acidity and alkalinity. The pH Scale (Potential for freeing Hydrogen ions) measures the amount of oxygen in your blood and determines if it carries too little oxygen (acid) or too much oxygen (alkaline). When eating raw for weight loss be careful to eat well balanced meals and your pH should become and remain neutral. The pH scale ranges from 0 (100 percent acid) to 14 (100 percent alkaline), each unit representing a tenfold change. Extremes in either direction can be responsible for the same health effects, so you will want to be neutral which is between 7.35 and 7.45. How Vital Is Your pH? The pH scale is familiar to those who measure it for labels or swimming pools. Who else cares about pH levels? Everybody should; we should all be concerned about anything that could conceivably affect our health and wellbeing. Though different organs have different pH levels, we are able to test pH levels for certain foods after digestion and if desired, categorize them as low pH (acid foods) and high PH (alkaline foods). Maintain Healthy pH Due to the SAD (Standard American Diet) which provides a large amount of refined sugar, processed foods and animal protein coupled with pollution and stress (which is tremendously acidifying), most people are acidic. When the blood pH is outside the range of 7.35 to 7.45, health problems are imminent. The Importance Of Recognizing A Low pH Do you have little energy? Are you lethargic? Are you short-tempered? Do you sleep poorly? These are symptoms experienced by those with diets high in acids. Other symptoms are brittle teeth, weak nails, dry skin and sensitivity to cold. Too much acid in the blood causes the immune system to weaken. When the immune system is weak the body is prone to viruses such as colds and the flu; it is also prone to recurring infections like urinary tract infection or bronchitis. When chronic acidity is present the body illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, PMS, allergies or arthritis may attack the weakest parts of the body. Balance Your pH You can instantaneously correct the smallest change in pH by the elimination of fluids from the body and/or by neutralizing the acids with alkaline minerals. It is very important for the body to reach and maintain a healthy acid/alkaline balance. To eliminate the body of fluids it must sweat, urinate, breathe or store them as fat. To neutralize the acids with alkaline the body needs minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and iron. Effects of pH During Weight Loss Excess acids are stored as fat and can only be relieved by ingesting enough alkaline buffers to neutralize them. If you are dieting to lose weight it shouldn't surprise you that it's just not happening. Diet and low-calorie foods are full of sugar, unhealthy animal protein and junk that makes your body crave more, causing you to eat more and never lose weight; or even gain more weight. In addition to sabotaging your weight loss attempts, you lose alkaline minerals. You may even lose a little weight, but your blood will still be acidic. If you want to lose weight, gain and retain good health simply eating raw food for weight loss help you to accomplish both. Eating a well balanced diet of raw foods takes the guess-work out of high pH levels and low pH levels. It alleviates the constant testing and stress to make sure it remains balanced. Effortlessly Maintain A Healthy pH A raw food diet is rich in alkaline minerals like plant-based calcium, sodium, silica, magnesium and potassium. It's so easy to get healthy and stay healthy; to get balanced and stay balanced eating raw foods. You can find many good recipes on the Internet as well as information and tips regarding transitioning to raw foods. You will be healthier, happier and you can look forward to staying healthy forever. Test Your pH At Home You can purchase pH test strips for around $12 (for 90 strips). All you have to do is read and follow the instructions. To get an accurate test you should do it every day for about two weeks. If your pH remains between 7.35 and 7.45 you can relax. If your pH is too low or too high you can adjust your alkaline intake accordingly. It doesn't matter if you are dieting to lose weight, if you eat raw food for weight loss or if you are just concerned about your health and the damage caused by eating processed food, eating raw provides all the nutrients your body needs Article Source:

Thursday, 18 July 2019

What You Should Eat on the Ketogenic Diet

The Essential Good Foods For Weight Loss

Try and think of it like this. Would you put dirty fuel into your car? No, I don't think that would be a good idea! It is the same concept with our food. Food is fuel for our body. It provides our body with the day to day energy that it needs. Therefore it is vital to know the good foods for weight loss. Raw Foods These are foods which have not been boiled, steamed, baked, microwaved, fried or cooked in any way. Cooking destroys many valuable enzymes and nutrients. Examples of raw foods include raw fruit, raw vegetables, sprouted grains and seeds. Antioxidant Rich Foods Many of today's most common diseases are the result of a deficiency in antioxidants. Antioxidant rich foods include; cherries, tomatoes, broccoli, grapes, prunes, blueberries, spinach, plums plus many more. A food's antioxidant level can be rated using ORAC units (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). We should be aiming to obtain 3,500 to 5,000 ORAC units per day. Complex Carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates contain naturally occurring sugars which provide the body with a more sustained energy. Examples include; wholemeal breads, wholegrain rice, wholegrain cereals, pasta, rye, oats. This should make up 65% of your daily diet. It is very important to remember when starting any weight loss plan that controlling your weight is not about skipping meals. Don't forget, your body needs fuel to function properly. Eat regularly but eat small portions of good foods. Good foods for weight loss keep up your metabolic rate, so you burn energy faster, making it easier to lose weight. Article Source:

Wednesday, 17 July 2019


10 Super Foods For Weight Loss

Eat your way to a fabulous, slim figure - The statement sounds ironical, but it is true. Selected foods items in your kitchen help maintain a steady weight in addition to fulfilling the body's nutritional requirements. Here's a list of super foods for guaranteed, safe weight loss. Grapefruit: Grapefruit has been the focus of many weight loss studies. It was observed that persons who ate half a grapefruit before meals lost 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks. Grapefruit has an ample amount of fiber and proteins but very few calories. It prevents fat build up by interfering with insulin synthesis in the body. Grapefruit lowers insulin (responsible for the formation of fatty deposits) in the blood. Because of this, it is also known to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Grapefruits are also rich in water. Apple: The practice of eating an apple before meals controls your calorie intakes at every meal. The fiber in apples takes longer to digest and thus keeps you full. The fat fighting antioxidants in apples will also help to get rid of belly fat. Oats: A bowl of oats for breakfast could be one of the best weight loss tips. Oats abound in dietary fiber. It keeps you feeling full. It enhances body metabolism and speeds up fat burning. Avocados: Not all fats cause weight gain. Avocados supply the body with healthy fat. Its rich fiber content creates a feeling of fullness. The compound Oleic acid in avocados discourages hunger. Salmon: The omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon make it an effective weight loss tool. Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats. These fats rev up metabolism and help the body to burn larger quantities of stored fat. Also, salmon servings provide lean protein without adding calories. Black Beans: A cup of black beans makes up half of the body's daily requirement for fiber. Also, it adds around 15g of proteins. Protein and fiber make a very good combination. They keep you satiated for a longer period of time. Green Tea: Among the beverages, green tea is the most beneficial when it comes to weight loss. Green tea contains a compound called polyphenols. Polyphenols help to get rid of triglycerides in the body. It also boosts endurance and stamina. Blueberries: Tiny though they are, blueberries are then loaded with antioxidants especially fat-cell fighting antioxidants. Blueberries prevent fatty buildup in fat cells. A small cup of blueberries supplies the body 4g of fiber and only 80 calories. In the berry family, raspberries and Acai berries are also touted as super foods for weight loss. Pears: Pears contain 5g of dietary fiber that is 15% of the recommended daily intake. Pears should be eaten with the skin as the skin contains most of the fiber the fruit boasts of. Other benefits include lowered risk of a stroke. Eggs: Sounds surprising we know, but as a matter of fact eggs also feature in our list of diet weight loss tips. Eggs are packed with proteins that curb your appetite and keep a tab on your calorie intake. Article Source:

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

7 Foods to NEVER Eat for Health & Weight Loss! Worst Foods, What's Healt...

Worst Foods For Weight Loss Plans

Food has a lot to do with weight, once you have a plan on losing weight, a healthy start should always begin by sorting out the foods in your kitchen that are contributors of fats. Pick the foods that you should stock in your fridge. They should always be foods that are healthy weight loss alternatives that can pick you up with your diet pitfalls. If you are too serious about weight loss, then you must learn how to avoid eating the unhealthy foods and you must refrain from unhealthy lifestyle no matter what it takes. Unhealthy foods such as junk foods, burgers and ice cream are absolutely the worst foods for weight loss. So if you want to lose weight and maintain a healthy body, then keep your fridge full with the chosen fresh foods that will definitely benefit your weight loss plans. Stocking your fridge with healthy foods doesn't mean that you can no longer eat these foods for the rest of your life. You can actually treat yourself occasionally. It just simply means avoid making them a regular habit of your diet because they will only ruin your efforts to lose weight without noticing it. And what's worse is that you will just notice you are losing track. Here are a few tips of what and what not helps your weight loss plans, here are the worst foods for weight loss. Saturated fat/trans fat: These fats raises the levels of cholesterol in your blood, so as much as possible eliminate if not reduce the amount of these fats in your food. Table Sugar: This is actually a bunch of empty calories. They have zero nutritional value so it's just best to have them in moderation. Too much of table sugar can cause diabetes and may result to weight gain as well. Bread, pasta, and baked macaroni with cheese: Sometimes people include these foods in their plan to lpse weight. They misunderstood bread and pasta is good, however they could actually contain empty calories and sugar. It contains white flour that is full of empty calories. Sodium: Reduce the amount of salt content in your food because this can add to your weight and it can cause high risk disease on your kidneys too. One of the many reasons why eating in fast foods every day recommended for your weight loss plans, is because most of the foods have huge amount of salt in it. Sodium is found in most prepackaged foods and is very addictive. Dried/Preserved Fruits: Fruits are actually very healthy in its very essence and is generally recommended to be eaten ever day as part of a healthy meal. However, this should also be eaten in moderation. In a case of a processed or dried fruits they are actually losing the healthiness in its original sense. As it goes several food processing, many of the healthy nutrients are lost plus food preservatives are added in the making. Huge amount of sweeteners that are very unhealthy are added to it that can make it classified as the worst foods for weight loss. Article Source:

Monday, 15 July 2019

What I Eat In A Day (how i got my abs) | RENEE AMBERG

Don't Know What Are the Best Foods for Weight Loss? Learn About Them Here

Because of the fact that there are more and more people who are constantly doing research on different diet programs and exercise programs, it isn't uncommon that they constant question on people's line is what are the best foods for weight loss? The fact is that there is no wonder food that is going to help a person lose weight, but by following a diet plan that is high in protein along with doing exercises is a great way to lose weight quickly. A good diet plan that is going to have a person losing weight is going to have food in it such as egg yolk, different meats, and low fat dairy products because all of these foods are very high in protein and they are going to help a person's metabolism to burn calories. The diet should also have foods that are very high in fiber so that the person's hunger cravings are something that they can control. Fruits and vegetables are foods that are very low in calories and they should be a part of any diet program no matter what. The diet program that you get on should have you drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water on a daily basis because this helps at speeding up the metabolism as well. When it really comes down to it, the diet should have you consuming less calories than what you are burning. Just having a diet that is filled with good foods that help you lose weight is not going to get the job done for you because you also need to be exercising in conjunction with using a healthy diet so that you lose weight faster than you would if you were just using a diet only. What you want to do is be on a diet that has you eating low calories and you want to be following a good exercise regimen that is going to be helping you building lean muscle because muscle helps in burning calories and stored fat fast. Keep in mind that by being on a diet that is high in protein you're going to be burning more fat while at the same time helping to build more muscle mass, and that is the key diet that you want to be on. If you're eating the best foods for weight loss while at the same time building muscle then you are going to be losing weight at a very safe and faster rate. It really is common sense when it comes to losing weight because all you have to do is stay focused on eating the right foods on a daily basis and exercising to burn calories. Article Source:

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Simple Exercise Routines For Women

If you are a woman with a busy life, it may be hard to get in time for exercise. It is difficult to care for a home, children, and your career at the same time, let alone take care of your body. While it may be one of the most difficult things to do, it is something that you have to make time for. Do not be like the millions of women who let their bodies bear the brunt of their busy lifestyles. If you can imagine your body the way you want it, you can believe it. If you can believe in your goals, then you can achieve them. Here are some easy and simple exercise routines for women that will help you keep in shape. If you want to lose weight and stay fit, read on. Cardio exercise routines for women: Cardio exercise is the secret to good blood circulation. Simple exercises like jumping jacks help to get your blood pumping and your metabolism going. A fast metabolism is the goal in weight loss routines. Cardio exercises stimulate your body to use stored fat as energy for your increased metabolism. Some examples of easy cardio exercise routines for women are as follows: 1. Jumping jacks 2. Treadmill running 3. Stair stepping (step up and down on one stair alternating your feet) Keep your stomach in shape- abs toning exercise routines for women Great abs will give you confidence in your body. Wouldn't it feel great to go to the swimming pool in that bikini and not feel uncomfortable? A flat, toned stomach is every woman's goal. The good news is that it does not have to take much of your time. Here is some abs toning exercise routines for women that you can work on daily for a killer five-minute abs ripper routine: 1. Crunches (1 minute) 2. Sit ups (2 minutes) 3. Leg ups (1 minute) 4. Stretching (1 minute) Thigh Workout Routines: Working out your thighs, helps keep them toned. If you want to get rid of unnecessary fat in your thighs, engage in running exercises. A bicycle machine is a good investment that will help work out your legs. You can even do other things while you are cycling, like reading, listening to music, or watching TV. The way to work out legs in the quickest amount of time is add resistance either your own body weight or added weights. Building muscle will burn fat faster and keep your legs nice and tone. There is no shortcut to exercising properly. If you want a lean and fit figure, you should really try some of these work out routines for women. What you do not have to do is engage in hours driving to and from the gym to get good exercise. You can have all you need right in your own home; all you really need to have is a clear goal and a huge dose of determination. Don't have the time to workout but still need to lose weight? Download "5 Secret Fitness Strategies [] For Busy People" and learn how to overcome the obstacles to losing weight and secrets behind achieving life long fitness. Visit: [] for details. Article Source: Article Source:

45 Min HIIT Strength and Cardio Workout at Home - Cardio and Strength Tr...

Saturday, 13 July 2019

45 Min Tabata HIIT Workouts for Weight Loss & Strength - Full Body Worko...

Simple Exercises That Will Help You To Lose Weight At Home

Please remember that dieting can only take you half way through, to your goal. The rest has to come from exercises that burn out fat and build stronger muscles. Losing weight is very simple; you can achieve it, simply by being more serious with any rules you ought to be applying and watching the type of food you eat. You can lose weight and become smart by applying simple exercises that did not require professional advice and supervision or gym equipment. 1. PUSH UPS; it is simply the act of carrying your own weight, by lying face down on the floor, raising and lowering your body, using the arms. You can do that as many times as your arms can carry you. Start small, like four to five times. As time goes on, you can increase it to ten or twenty times. It helps in strengthening the pectorals and triceps. Want to get back to shape? Don't neglect push ups. 2. STAIR ATTACK; it simply means running up and down the stairs in your house. In your first day, please start small by running up and down three times a day for at least two weeks, before you can increase it to four or five times, depending on your stamina. As the weeks go by, you can still increase it to put the muscle in a serious work. With this, you can really achieve much in maintaining a nice shape. 3. SIT UPS; it can simple be performed at home. In order to perform sit up, you will lie your back on the floor and bend your knees at 90 degree, and then you will begin to sit up without moving your legs at all. You must not use your leg muscle to balance the body; else you gain nothing from this exercise. It aids in achieving flat tummy. Remember that this simple home exercises must be helped by keeping a close eyes on food intakes. Junk foods, sodas, and snacks must go. Replace them with a more nutritional and healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables. Do this simple home exercises consistently for a while and achieve a great result... Christian Offor is an expert in weight loss. For more on this and other related articles click Article Source: Article Source:

Friday, 12 July 2019

I Gave My Sister An Extreme Body Makeover (Half Marathon Training)

Powerfully Simple Exercises For Quick Weight Loss!

Here are some simple exercises for quick weight loss that you probably aren't doing. Read this now if you want to spend less time in the gym and more time losing weight with powerful exercises that are unbelievably easy to do. Exercises for Quick Weight Loss 1. The hindu squat for "oxygen deficit" induced weight loss Creating a massive oxygen deficit is 1 of the best ways to go about forcing your body into burning fat instantly. To do this, you must exercise at an intense pace. If I told you all you needed to do was exercise for 5 minutes a day to lose a lot of weight, would you be willing to give it a try? It's a simple 5 minutes, but simple doesn't mean easy. What you do is squat as fast as humanely possible. A good rate of squats is at least 20 per minute. So at the end of 5 minutes, you would've squatted over 100 times. Now, the keys to this are that you only use your body weight (no weights involved), you squat really fast, you touch your fingers to the ground so you know you aren't "cheating" the squat by not going down far enough, and you keep your back straight while doing the squats (don't hunch over to touch the ground). 2. An easy exercise for overweight people... jumping jacks A lot of exercises "experts" try to get overweight people to do... do more harm to them than good. Things such as jogging and running are usually pretty bad for overweight people because their joints and ligaments just can't handle the pounding. Jumping jacks are an easier alternative to jogging and running. I'm going to assume you know what jumping jacks are since it's such a common exercise. All I want you to do is do 25 jumping jacks 10 separate times each day. Sounds like a lot, but each time you do them only takes 30 seconds. So I have no doubt you can spare 5 minutes of your time doing these. These are 2 simple exercises for quick weight loss. If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then... Click [] to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night. If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! [] Jennifer Jolan Article Source: Article Source:

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Simple Exercises to Get a Six Pack - 3 Simple Tips to Define Your Abs Quickly and Easily

The purpose of this article is to give you a series of simple exercises to get a six pack. Use these exercises combined with a sound nutritional plan and overall body workout routine to provide you with strength and increased definition in your abdominal area. There is one exercise to work each major muscle group in your stomach, the upper abs, the lower abs, and the obliques (the abdominal area to the side of your stomach). Training the abdominal muscles like this will give you the greatest benefits as no part of your midsection is left out. If you feel you are particularly strong in one area of your stomach, but weaker in others, you can increase the intensity, or duration of one of the exercises to even out and strengthen the areas that you need to work on. So with that being said, let's begin out three simple exercises to get a six pack. Upper abs - Crunches - Knees bent and spread Start by lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands in a position of your choice. Spread your legs wide so that they are open. Move by using your upper abs to lift your shoulder blades off the floor in a forward curling motion. Feel the contraction in your stomach and hold for a second. Lower you shoulders back to the starting position lightly touching the floor. Repeat for a set of 8 to 12. Lower abs - Bent leg hip raises Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place your hands in a position of your choice. Lift your chin up towards your chest. Keep your feet together ad move by using your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor, bringing your knees toward your forehead. At the top of the movement your feet should be over your head. Hold the contraction for a moment, and then lower your legs back down so that your feet touch the floor. Repeat for a set of 8 to 12. Obliques - Side bend Assume a semi squat position with a wide stance, feet pointed out and hands behind your ears. From this position bend to the side, bringing your right elbow to your right knee (don't raise your knee to your elbow, just move your sides) Repeat movement for a set, then switch sides. Each side should be 8 to 12 reps. Hold a contraction for a moment at the peak of movement focusing on your obliques the entire time. And there you have it 3 simple exercises to get a six pack. Depending on your fitness level decrease or increase the intensity as required. After doing these your abdominals should feel fairly sore. A good thing to do after a few weeks is to change up your exercises so that the same muscles will be worked at from a different angle, forcing them to change. Just doing the same thing over and over again will not provide you with any real benefits, but instead will lead you frustration and a decrease in motivation. You may have asked yourself what is the easiest way to get a six pack [] - well, truth be told, there is no secret, but with an efficient system of exercise and nutrition you will be able to obtain one quickly and without wasted effort. If you are looking for more exercises like this and a free guide to get ripped abs head over to [] where you will discover exactly what you need to do to get that great looking midsection. Article Source: Article Source:

Ultimate HIIT Workout for People Who Get Bored Easily - Fat Burning HIIT...

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Glute Activation Workout with Bands - Knee Friendly Butt and Thigh Workout

Simple Exercise Tips For Newbies

There are people who enjoy exercising on a regular basis and then there is a large group of people who know they need to exercise, but never really get around to starting or struggle to stick with it. When it comes to exercise, a lot of us practice the art of procrastination, why do today what we can put off until tomorrow? The problem occurs when tomorrow never comes, and you find yourself overweight and a little out of shape. Exercise needs to be a habit in your life, and like all other new habits it has to be formed and developed. Here are a few simple exercise tips for newbies who want to integrate regular exercise into their busy and hectic lives: - 1. Start Slowly As the saying goes, don't try and run before you can walk, and never more is this true than when you are beginning an exercise regime. Attempting too much in the early stages can lead to injuries and can be hard to stick to, going from no exercise to an hour or more a day can be tough to deal with. In the early days aim for around 20-30 minutes exercise a day and build up your fitness gradually. As your sessions become longer and more intense, you should build regular rest days into your exercise schedule. 2. Adopt A Cautious Approach Whatever exercise you decide to do, you need to make sure you do it safely. if you are lifting weights or running for example, you need to ensure you have good form and sound technique. You need to know your limits and set your goals accordingly. Learn to listen to your body, and always stop if you feel pain or discomfort. Start lifting light weights and concentrate on your technique if you want to start strength training, If you decide to start running, then begin with some brisk walking and light jogging. 3. Don't Be Put Off By Muscle Soreness When you begin to exercise, you will be using muscles that normally don't get used. This can lead to some muscle soreness, which is common and nothing to worry about. Your muscles will ache a little and feel stiff when you get up the day after a routine. The muscle soreness will soon pass within the first week or two. Warming up properly and stretching after each workout will limit the amount of muscle soreness you experience. 4. Keep Your Routine Fresh Doing the same exercise routine again and again will soon lead to boredom and a lack of motivation. Your body will also get use to the exercise and you won't enjoy the same results, it becomes more efficient and burns less calories. Mix up your sessions with a blend of cardio and strength training, or why not play a fast-paced sport for a great cardio workout? Follow my simple exercise tips for newbies, and you will be well on your way to developing your own exercise habit. Welcome to the amazing £1 diet book, yes just a solitary pound! Let me show you why exercise is an integral part of losing weight. Discover what the most effective exercises are that will allow you to reach your weight loss goals and learn how to lose weight without dieting []. My comprehensive weight loss book will show you how to lose weight and keep it off [] by developing simple but powerful exercise and eating habits. Article Source: Article Source:

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Discover 3 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight the Fun Way

It is easy to engage in simple exercises to lose weight. However, for people who have spent more time on the couch than on a treadmill, the exercise word sounds like a jail sentence. Exercises need not be a regular exercise program to lose weight. In fact, you should not even think of it as a program at all as it makes losing weight intimidating. Exercises should be fun. Fun makes one stick to losing weight. 3 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight Let's talk about three simple exercises to help you lose weight. They are: Walk-A-Block, Swim-A-Lap, and Bike-A-Ride. Together, they form a Super Mini Triathlon. Your objective here is not number of repetitions, or personal best records, not even perfect form. You are simply out there to have fun, losing weight in the process. Walk-A-Block The best thing about walking is that it is free. Plus, you can do it anytime, and anywhere. But the secret to a good Walk-A-Block is that you should do it for a sustained period, say 1 hour as a start, and over a considerable distance, like 3 kilometers at a time. Hey, don't say that's too far because I'll let you in on a trick that would make walking that distance fun. Grab your purse, put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and hit the mall. Yes, the mall. Walk continuously inside. Dart in and out of stores, scan every store front, go up the stairs (no elevators and escalators, please), play a game of follow a shopper. Do anything you can so you don't stop walking. Do this simple exercise regularly, increasing your pace and distance each time. Swim-A-Lap Well, you need an access to a swimming pool here, or a body of water that is at least waist deep. So why is this simple exercise excellent for losing weight? You will be using all parts of your body to get from Point A to Point B. That means you burn calories quickly while making sure that your muscles get that much needed stretch and twitch. You do all these as your joints, especially in the legs, do not bear the brunt of your weight. This is perfect for the elderly or the plus-sized individual who is not yet (that means soon you can) ready for bone-rattling brisk walking or jogging. Bike-A-Ride You'll need a bike of course. It doesn't need to be expensive, just reliably running. Again, you are not required to follow a set route. The only requirement for this simple weight loss exercise is that you ride your bike for at least an hour, non-stop. So where do you get that mileage? One is on errands. Any chore that is a short drive away is a Bike-A-Ride opportunity. Another is visiting friends and family who live a few miles away. It's a great way to catch up. If you have run out of errands and friends to visit, consider giving in to your sense of adventure. So does the Super Mini Triathlon sound like a weight loss program? Nope, it sounds fun. Now get into it! New Online Weight Loss Programs [] is a online weight loss resource that provides tips and strategies on shedding the pounds. We advocate using simple exercises to lose weight []. We advocate losing the weight slowly, steadily and effectively. Article Source: Article Source:

30-Minute No-Equipment HIIT Workout

Monday, 8 July 2019

This 21-Day Workout Plan Is Designed For You to Get Fit and Build Strength!

Simple Exercises For a Flat Stomach

You lead a busy life. You don't always have the time for a full fledged exercise routine. Are there some simple exercises out there that can be easily done and without too much time or effort? Can these simple exercises also deliver effective results? Why Do Simple Exercises? Maybe you are not in the habit of doing exercise and you don't want to start doing the tougher exercises just yet, you want to ease your way in. Or perhaps you want some exercises that you can do at nearly anytime without too much effort. You can even include these exercises in your every day exercise routine to help you warm up. There are many reasons to do these simple exercises on a regular basis. Are Simple Exercises Effective? We have all heard of the expression 'no pain, no gain'. While that is true to a certain extent, it doesn't mean that there are not exercises that are simple to figure out and easy to execute. People often think that a simple exercise must not be effective. But not all exercises have to be trying, difficult, intense and make you think you are going to die. There are simple exercises that you can do that give you great results. Are There Simple Exercises You Can Do At Home? The simple answer is yes. There are exercises that will give you good results without going to extremes or without major inconveniences. These exercises can all be done at home, or anywhere you have a bit of room available. Anywhere Ab Tone Stand Up Straight. Lightly tighten you stomach muscles. Hold for a second while tightened. Take slow, deep breaths, in and then slowly out, all the while holding your stomach muscles tight. Keep taking breaths until you get tired. This is a simple exercise that can be done nearly anywhere. If you are really stretched for time, you could do the same exercise sitting down, even at a desk. Just sit up straight and stretch your upper body up as much as possible so that your ab muscles are scrunched together. Simple Tips For Simple Exercises Remember to keep breathing. As you are doing simple exercises, you will be contracting your muscles and you will be compelled to hold your breath while doing it. You may not even realize that you are doing it, but when your muscles have continuous tension put on them, you have the tendency to not breathe. But breathing while doing simple exercises is very important to making the exercise really matter and to make it easier to do. Inhale when your muscles relax and exhale when they contract. You should feel the burn. If you are trying to work your lower abs and after your reps you don't feel them tightening, chances are that you are not doing it properly. The same goes for your upper abs. If you complete the assigned repetitions and you don't feel it working, you may want to check and see if you are doing them correctly. Final Thoughts on Simple Exercises Simple exercises can be effective and an important part by themselves, or as part of a workout. Just because an exercise is simple or easy, it doesn't mean you should ignore it. As you have read, they can be used for a variety of purposes, but chief among them is for the stomach toning results that they deliver. Not every exercise has to be trying and extreme to be effective. Simple exercises are convenient and can deliver great results. Learn more Simple Exercises [] at Article Source: Article Source:

Sunday, 7 July 2019

How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Quick Tips For Weight Loss For the Busy Mom

About a year ago I took a long hard look at myself and didn't like what I saw at all. It almost looked like an alien was looking back at me in my own mirror; I didn't recognize myself anymore. After having three children and hitting middle age all these love handles started showing up everywhere. I know that there are tons of other women in the world that feel as I did so I thought I would write down some of the things that have proved to be very beneficial to me over the last year. I believe the number one key is to start being very aware of everything that you put in your mouth both food and drinks. If you are anything like I was I had an extremely busy schedule and completely neglected my diet and tended to skip meals on a daily basis. This is the worst thing you can do because then you are famished and grab something quick to throw in your mouth while you fold the laundry or jump to your next task at hand. Don't ever get into the extremely bad habit of skipping your meals because that will not help you lose weight, in fact nothing messes your metabolism up faster. One sure fire way of losing weight is to make sure and drink at least 8 glasses of pure clean water a day. It not only helps suppress your appetite but it also assists your body in flushing out bad toxins that cling to your organs. While you are grocery shopping; make sure and stay in the outer areas of your store instead on going down the aisles. The outer aisle is where the healthy items are. Fruits, vegetables, meat and butcher area, the deli, eggs, cheese and dairy items are in the outer perimeters of the stores. The middle section of the store is where all the starchy and processed foods are at. So stay far away from there. Exercise is incredibly important, we tend to think that we don't really need to since we are utterly exhausted from all that we do during the day but there is one huge difference. When we exercise we focus on a certain area and build those muscles as opposed to just walking around all day and not increasing our heart rate. Another important thing is to make sure you get enough sleep and take time out for yourself every day. I mean let's face if Mom isn't happy then no one else in the house is either. Plus if you get sick who will take care of everything. You need to keep yourself healthy for both you and your family. Pat has been working online for nearly 8 years now. Her passions are writing, cooking, personal development and animals. Come visit her latest site over at [] which helps people decide which lcd monitor mount [] is the right one for them. Article Source: Article Source:

Saturday, 6 July 2019

What Every Woman Over 50 Needs To Know About Weight Loss

Weight Loss for Women Over 40 - Important Facts You Ought to Be Aware Of

Life begins at 40. While you may be reaping the benefits of a highly-successful career at this age, it's also true that the manifestations of aging begin here. At 40, you begin to feel aching joints, experience slower metabolism and deal with hormonal imbalances. Now is the best time for you to start paying more attention to your overall health, so you can, as they say, age gracefully. When you're middle-aged and overweight, your problems are even more compounded. Sleep deprivation due to the demands of work and family, poor thyroid function and fluid retention add to the seemingly long list of challenges that women over 40 have to face in their quest to lose weight. One of the keys to losing weight at this age is to eat healthy. This means no more packaged or processed foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods should be on the menu as opposed to fatty and sugary fare. Eating small portions more frequently all throughout the day keeps your metabolism running and aids in faster burning of fat. This keeps you from being tempted to "snack" on bad foods or eat bigger meals. However, you must not equate eating healthy with going hungry because of dieting. At this age, or any age for that matter, starvation as a weight loss regimen isn't going to work. Not eating or skipping meals not only works against speeding up your metabolism, it's highly dangerous too. Most women over 40 are also holding managerial or top-level positions at work. While this may be good career-wise, the stresses involved do not bode well for those who want to lose weight. Stress produces the hormone cortisol which contributes to weight gain. Thus, you should make it a point to manage your daily stresses. If an hour-long massage, spa or yoga works to relax you, then by all means, engage in these. Taking time out to indulge in a hot bath, watch a movie or curl up with a good book can do wonders to rejuvenate your body and mind. Exercise, whether these be cardio, flexibility or bodyweight exercises, is a great stress-buster and indispensable to weight loss at 40. Getting enough sleep is also essential to any successful weight loss program for post-menopausal women. You have to make it a point to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Studies have shown that women over 40 who do not get this much number of hours of sleep are overweight compared to those who do. Finally, motivation is everything. Without the right attitude, losing weight is going to be impossible. You may not be as young as you once were, but you're not a senior citizen yet. If you really want to shed off those pounds at 40, you've got to be positive about making small daily changes to your lifestyle. Eating healthy, sleeping well, reducing stress and living a more active lifestyle will do wonders to permanently keep the weight off. What's more, more energetic and lively years lay ahead of you if you keep fit now. Read our shocking Turbo Fire review and find out how easy it is for women over 40 to lose weight with Chalene Johnson's TurboFire workout today. Article Source: Article Source:

Friday, 5 July 2019

Diet Pills Can Help in Weight Loss for Women

It is important for women to take care of their health. All too often in their busy schedules they do not think enough about health issues. They can resolve this issue by taking diet pills. Why take supplements and do they really help with women's specific problems. In fact, there are many excellent supplements on the market that will help to keep women fit and healthy. There are many supplements that can offer an array of benefits, especially to those over 40. The supplements that contain natural ketones extracted from raspberries are an example of this kind. These extracts have polyphenols that will help the immune system to rid the body of harmful toxins. This product will also help to speed up metabolism and burn more excess fat and it will suppress appetite. An appetite suppressant will help you to eat less and will curb cravings. The natural extracts of chuilli and capsicum are used to make diet pills. These pills are powerful fat burners and they are important for any weight loss plan. Fat burners will help your metabolism speed up and burn those extra calories. As they approach middle age women find that their metabolism slows down, which can lead to weight gain. Cravings can be a big problem when you try to lose weight. These pills can also help to suppress appetite, which will decrease these. There are many other supplements that will help you to burn fat. They also act as appetite suppressant. This means that these pills will help you to get rid of extra fat deposits with ease. Many pills are appetite suppressant, these products will help you to eat less and take in fewer calories. This combination solves two of the biggest problems in losing and maintaining weight. These are just three of the best supplements for women on the market. There are also fat binders and carb blockers, which absorb fat and allow it to pass out of your body in your stool. Fat blockers are made with a natural fiber such as Glucomannan in Nuratrim. This dietary fiber will absorb fat and then get excreted from the body. Carb blockers will burn fat and help you to lose extra pounds. This will help to increase the speed of your metabolism. All these pills are useful to help you maintain your weight. However, you should also take regular exercise and eat a proper balanced diet. These diet pills can help you to burn calories and eat less but you must also not let yourself go. It is important to choose your supplements wisely and understand how each of these products work. The best products are those that are made from natural ingredients and work with your body to help you to lose and maintain your weight. When people are selecting diet pills for women, they want supplements that will help them to lose weight and not have any side effects. Products made from natural ingredients rarely have side effects unless they are taken without observing the proper dosage. This article is all about why women need weight loss supplements. For free information on this subject see weight loss for women. Article Source: Article Source:

Fit Over 40 With Simple Exercise

Part of meeting goals and being successful is the ability to overcome obstacles. By applying this concept to our fitness goals, it is easy to see the logic of making your exercise workouts simple. Maintaining fitness over 40 is as much about assimilating fitness as a seamless part of our lifestyle, as finding the perfect exercise. Some level of moderate exercise is better than getting none at all. If you are new to exercising, these concepts can help you get started more easily. If you already have and exercise regimen, incorporating some of the concepts here can help you fit in a workout on a busy day that would otherwise prohibit you from exercise because of schedule or other constraints. Simple exercises are good for providing healthy muscle tone and helping with flexibility and agility. These are things we need to keep in mind as fitness goals when we are over 40. It is always good to mix up your current exercise routine with something fresh and different. I have recognized this in my own workouts. Even after working out steadily and regularly including a standard bench press in my workouts, it surprised me how much of a quality chest workout I got when I substituted a pushup exercise instead. Pushups are just going to work your muscle groups differently, which is a good thing. Your mind, your attitude, and your muscles will respond positively to the change in exercise routine. Here are 3 simple exercises you can do, with a minimum amount of time and equipment. Pushups Pushups are a great place to start because they work more than just your chest. With your body extended, you are involving muscle groups along the length of your body including chest, forearms, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back, and abdominals. Keeping proper form and a steady pace are important to maximize the positive affect across the muscle groups. Focus on going all the way down slowly and keeping your abdominals in and contracted. Remember to breathe properly. Perform 4 sets. Crunches Nothing earth shattering here, but again I would encourage you to concentrate on proper form. Both the up and down movement should be steady and deliberate. Resist the temptation to pull on your head as you curl upward. Concentrate on squeezing and contracting the abdominal muscles at the top of the exercise movement, especially as your reach the end of each set. Perform 4 sets. Lunges Lunges will work your hamstrings and will get your heart pumping because of the larger muscle group and larger body weight incorporated. They will also help you with your sense of balance. Perform 4 sets. Obviously, there are plenty of other exercise options available; these are just a few examples. The point is that you can get a well-rounded workout with just a few minutes and minimal equipment. If these exercises do not provide enough a workout, there are plenty of variations to make each exercise more challenging. Decline crunches while holding a dumbbell, for example, is a good way to take a simple exercise and make it more challenging. Good luck with your fitness goals! Want to know more? Chuck Smalley writes about his personal fitness goals and successes from a personal perspective. You can find more about his Practical Fitness over 40 [] concepts at [] Article Source: Article Source:

Benefits of Yoga Practice for Middle-Aged People

Recently, many journals on yoga practice and health benefits have emerged. Many studies research the beneficial effects yoga has on the body. A very recent one affirms that even yoga practice on a regular basis, maintained regularly over time will avert the weight gain affiliated with aging. Now that's a good deal! Daily yoga practice can diminish the growing girth of the midsection in middle aged and overweight individuals. Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who have conducted a study showed that regular yoga practice for at least 30 minutes a week for four or more years can lead to weight loss for obese people in their middle ages. They had looked into the data accumulated from 15,500 men and women in the age group of 45 and 55 years. Studies concluded that individuals of a normal weight who had daily yoga practice sessions gained 3 pounds less than those individuals who did not have regular yoga sessions. The effect of yoga was the most on obese people of this age group. In the span of ten years, obese people of the age group had lost about 10 pounds more than the people of the same age group who did not schedule regular yoga practice time. There are many myths that center around weight loss combined with an energetic exercise program, however the people who attended yoga practice did not do that kind of yoga at all. Research also suggests that weight loss is due to how yoga makes one aware of their body. Sara Valencourt is a health and fitness freelance writer living in Santa Fe New Mexico. She is an advent yoga student who has traveled throughout the U.S. to experience various yoga practices and to work with international instructors. Her work includes articles on the basics of yoga, easy healthy nutrition and real fitness for the average person. She is currently working on a series of articles based on her trials and triumphs. Sara Valencourt is making its mark on the internet. She is a regular contributor of articles related to yoga. Want to find out more information? Visit Article Source: Article Source:

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40

At Last! Secret Fitness For Women Over 40 & Weight-Loss Tips For Middle Aged Women

Middle age may mean having a downward slope in life. Women cannot help but count the years left rather than the years gone. Some women consider themselves to be in middle age when they reach their 40s, while others consider 39 to be the starting point of middle age. Apart from menopause, women in this stage also experience difficulty in achieving weight loss. Experts in medicine and science recommend the following guide for fitness: Stay active - Before anything else, women in their 40s should seek first their doctor's advice before engaging in any type of exercise to avoid any serious health risk. Your doctor is the authority in recommending the right physical exercise for you. Being active reduces women's risk in getting osteoporosis, a bone disease that is prevalent among women in their 40s. The flexibility of the muscles is tested and maintained whenever one engages in physical exercise. Being sedentary may cause women to lose muscles throughout the body. By being active, diabetes is prevented. Fitness exercises may include: i. Walking - Regular walking is among the most effective exercises known in the world. Even a 15-minute leisure walk can do more to the health than a one-hour program at the gym, according to health professionals. ii. Yoga - Among its principles are: healthy feelings, a fitter and more energetic body, and a more peaceful mind. iii. Swimming - This exercise is beneficial to the heart apart from being the best in keeping fitness. Diet - As women and men age, they should be choosy in their diet. Eating processed foods and fast foods should be reduced, or better yet, totally stopped. Artificial chemicals and preservatives are not healthful to the body. Fruits and vegetables are recommended even by scientists. Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right? Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now []! Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing []. Article Source: Article Source: