Thursday, 2 May 2019

Green Tea - Burning Fat and Weight Maintenance

Getting or burning the weight off is just one part of the equation. Maintenance or keeping it off is the other. Just like you need a method to burn fat off your body, to keep it off, you must have a proven method to use as well.
Researcher at a university in the Netherlands conducted a study to test the effects of a green tea-caffeine mixture on weight maintenance. The participants in the study were put on a 4 week diet to burn fat followed by a 3 month program of weight maintenance. During the weight maintenance period, one group received a mixture of green tea and caffeine consisting of 270 mg of epigallocatechin gallate, EGCG, green tea's active ingredient that has been found to be associated with weight loss and 150 mg of caffeine per day. The other group received a placebo.
The result was that the group who received the green tea-caffeine mixture not only maintained their weight loss, but they also burned more fat. Researchers speculated that this was because of an increase in thermogenesis, the process by which the body generates heat, that the subjects lost more weight. This is fantastic news for those who have been having trouble keeping the weight off after you have lost it.
So, if you're having trouble keeping the weight off after you burn it off, a mixture of green tea and caffeine each day may help. You can buy either a capsule supplement or simply drink it naturally. When purchasing green tea make sure you look for epigallocatechin gallate on the label.

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