Friday, 19 April 2019

Coming Soon: Obesity to Surpass Smoking As the Main Cause of Cancer

Cancer is a scary illness that plagues millions of people around the world. Some are fortunate enough to survive the ordeal, and others, not so much. In the integrative medicine community, it's believed that naturopathic oncology can be very beneficial for treating and preventing all types of cancer. This is important to know because of the diet and lifestyles we live in America, which have shown to directly impact the development of various cancers. So much so that diet is climbing to the top as one of the main causes of the disease. Alternative cancer treatments are available if you or someone you know is suffering from this debilitating disease.
Lifestyle Choices and Cancer Development
In the past, smoking was the leading cause of cancer, but recent studies reveal obesity will soon be the number one cause. And what causes obesity? Diet and sedentary lifestyles. This is a major concern because over 2.1 billion people are considered overweight or obese, which accounts for 30 percent of the world's population. Obesity is also to blame for around five percent of the annual deaths seen around the world.
This is all due to the different conditions that stem from obesity, including high blood pressure, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, heart disease, cancer and dementia (just to name a few). In America alone, only eight obesity-related diseases make up 75 percent of the nation's healthcare costs. Obesity leads to two major issues - insulin/leptin resistance and extreme inflammation. Integrative medicine doctors attack these issues by improving the diet and lifestyle of the cancer patients they care for.
Obesity #1 Cause of Cancer
This isn't true yet, but the path Americans are going down will surely take us there, and quickly. Obesity is known to cause 10 different kinds of cancer. It's expected that we will see a rise in these assortment of cancers over the next 10 years.
The evidence is rather obvious, pointing to excess weight contributing to a significant increase in cancer risks. Women who are obese have a 600 percent higher risk of developing womb cancer, for example.
There are also elevations in colon, breast, prostate and other gynecological cancers when you're overweight. Obesity seems to accelerate the growth of tumors. There's also a correlation between cancer relapse and being overweight. For instance, obese survivors of prostate cancer had a three percent higher chance of relapsing. Their odds of the disease spreading was also seven percent higher.
If you're battling obesity, it's a good idea to consult with an integrative medicine doctor. In the event that you are battling with cancer or need to have screenings done, visit one of the reputed alternative cancer treatment centers in your area to be examined by a naturopathic oncologist. medical health center is based out of Phoenix AZ and offers wide range of holistic integrative medical care to people of all ages. Our expert physicians are well respected within our industry to guide patients toward optimal health using the best of both naturopathic and conventional medicine solutions. Longevity medical is a leading prostate cancer facility in the USA.

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