Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Tips for Preventing Obesity Using Ayurvedic Techniques

Obesity is the most common natural nutritional disorder and characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the human body. It is a lifestyle-related health issue and occurs if the person concerned indulges in fried food, food items containing fat. Obesity causes a number of other health-related issues including irregular digestion, diabetes, and hypertension. Uncontrolled overweight leads to obesity and obesity adversely affects the social life of a person.
There are Ayurvedic methods to control overweight and obesity and these are discussed as follows:-
Ayurvedic Plants to control Obesity
If you are overweight and obese then you can use plants to control the condition. There are some plants which upon regular consumption control obesity to a considerable extent. These plants have medicinal properties which contribute to weight loss. Besides, easily obtainable curry leaves, mint, turmeric, and spices like cinnamon, black pepper, and ginger help to control obesity.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity
There are Ayurvedic methods that help to control obesity, maintaining the health of individuals who are obese or overweight. Ayurvedic massages using herbal powder and oil followed by herbal steam bath helps to mobilize the fat accumulated in the body. Specially designed yoga programs along with a proper diet help to prevent further accumulation of body fat. There are certain therapies which help to prevent accumulation of fat in the body. These therapies are administered based on an individual's requirements. Many yogic asanas prevent obesityApart from this, it is highly recommended for the obese persons to maintain a healthy diet, exercise a lot and all this with the objective of burning excess body fat. Depression and stress contribute to overweight and obesity. Therefore, it is important on the part of the persons suffering from obesity to stay relaxed, drink a glass of lukewarm water along with lime and include plenty of raw vegetables, food with low calories in the diet.
For the obese and the overweight rice, wheat and other high-calorie food should be avoided. It is best to treat the condition of obesity and overweight naturally. Overweight people should be guided to shed their weight naturally. There are tools for exercise and overweight and obese people should be encouraged to do exercises on a regular basis. Healthy diet, intake of food like vegetables, drinking plenty of water, maintaining a healthy life style and performing exercises on a regular basis are some of the important tips to stay in shape.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9848260http://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-for-Preventing-Obesity-Using-Ayurvedic-Techniques&id=9848260

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